Hey friends! I come from a really big family, which comes with many blessings and many PARTIES! I had two cousins get married this summer, which may not seem like a lot but when you add in showers, engagement parties, potential bachelorettes, rehearsal dinners, morning-after brunches… the list goes on and on. A lot of people dread getting dressed for all of these events. Don’t be that person. Live for it! Bold accessories are your key to having killer new looks for each event. Keep reading. You’ll see!

Oooo! This was a great bold accessories moment, with an assist from my cousin Donna. I got into the car with her to drive to New York City for my cousin Erin’s bridal shower and realized I was way underdressed. When we got into the city, we got lunch and headed to the Bloomingdales outlet to remedy the situation. When none of the dresses I tried on panned out, she suggested trading my tights and flats for heels and fun jewelry. We found the perfect earrings, mules, clutch combo and what an epic night it was!
This second look is called “Early Morning; Long Day.” I had to wake up to go to an out of town doctor’s appointment but needed to look together to feel together. I laid out that straw bag and jacket to disguise the necessary t-shirt and yoga pants I was going to wear. Messy bun, getting it done!

In this third picture I was having a brainstorming/writing/napping day when my sister called me for a spontaneous coffee date. Different yoga pants, different tshirt (strategically cut), add sunglasses. Chicccccc!

This is the full look from the first picture. My best suggestion for shopping for bold accessories is collect costume jewelry. My favorite place to go for it is Kohl’s. You have to scavenge and try a bunch of things to see what works but just have fun! Other great places to go are Goodwills and a friend’s closet of stuff she is getting rid of. I lifted this Talbot’s circa 1992 necklace from my mom’s drawer of things unwanted years ago. And this purse… oh the quirky delightful lemon shaped purse speaks for itself. It took many nights on Amazon to grab it, but lucky for you I have included the link below. :] Happy shopping!
amazon- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0197X1YJG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1