Birthday Bundle 🍰


We are raffle-ing of a Birthday Bundle in honor of my birthday.  The bundle includes: 2 blowouts from Studio RD Blowdry Bar, a $20 gift card to the cafe at the Giving Tree Wellness Center, and a box of Nibbles & Bits specialty truffles.  A $90 value!! Comment your name below to enter.  Include some feedback on the blog if you like (what you like, what you don’t like, what you’d like to see more of, etc).  It’s that simple!

*If you previously entered through Rafflecopter, your name has already been added!  Sorry for the initial confusion!

begins 12am tonight 8/30 — ends 12 am 9/5

The Giving Tree’s awesome website.  The cafe offers smoothies, protein shakes, bagels, and treats baked from Zummo’s Cafe,

Snacks ‼️‼️