Weight is part of health. And if health is a fluctuation, than so is weight. Id be lying if I said I have been always accepting of that fluctuation, but for at least the last decade I can proudly say I’ve let my body be my guide. I’ve strived to become in tune with how my body is feeling and tried to buffer all noise around me to listen to what my body, my health, needs.
It was a lot of croissants. Which brings me to my next point. I had to accept my body in whatever form”healthy” came in. My body dysmorphic mind had to accept my plus size body as beautiful. Beautiful in the spring, fall, winter, and summer. If my body is beautiful in the summer as a plus size than that same beautiful body is absolutely beautiful in a bikini. You heard me. But for those of you in the back, “All bodies are bikini bodies.” I’ve provided photographic evidence of this experiment: my plus size body in a bikini.
disclaimer: these photos were taken two years ago with me at the exact same weight
Please, make it go viral. I am proud of these photos and most of all I am proud of what this body accomplishes. Mostly because my body is the manifestation of my mind. I am a brave, strong, kind woman everyday. And mostly because of grievances I don’t need to air here, my body is what it is. And I bask in that.